Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cashier or Self-Checkout

I was doing some grocery shopping tonight at the local store. Didn't buy anything real fancy...mostly stuff for the sandwich that I love to eat. The only reason this shopping trip was noteworthy was the surprise at the end.

The self-checkout line and the regular cashier line were both completely open. The choice was mine. I chose to visit the cashier. It wasn't cause I was lazy and didn't feel like scanning my groceries myself. No, I chose to visit the cashier because I truly thought in my head (I wonder which line Jesus would go through).

That may sound a little Jesus-freak like...but I guess I'm turning into one of those. I thought about how any sort of conversation may help the lady who got paid to scan my groceries. So the ordeal began with the requisite small talk. I then began to probe as to how much this lady would reveal to me. Turns out that working at the grocery store is her second job and that she works at Home Depot at 6 in the morning.

No wonder she was tired. I let her know that I hoped she would feel better and have a great rest of the night. She said thanks for asking how she was. I left the grocery store assured that EVERYONE wants someone to care about them. Even tired old women who have to work two jobs. I was honored I could be used to encourage that lady.

Yet I wonder...would I have done the same if her lane was full of people? Maybe I'll try it someday. Just to see if it's worth the wait. :)

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