The thing that bothers me most is that I can't come to Glorie as a friend. So many good things are happening in my life right now. I can feel change happening. I'm so excited. I want to tell everybody. The person I most want to tell though is Glorie. She knows how far I've come. She knew me before Christ. She knew me after Christ. She would be happiest with this news. But...I feel like she doesn't want to hear about anything that's going on.
Which is what perplexes me the most. If she is my sister in Christ, why would she dispel me? Instead of encouraging me, she rejects me. The aim, I suppose, is to force me to be directed to the Lord, and only the Lord, but if this is the case then why would we need anyone on earth? There would be no need for community in general.
The other reason I can think of is that this is her defense. It's her guarding her heart. That would be fine as well...but I need to know that that's what it is. I want to try to just address it specifically but every time I talk to her she doesn't speak normally. Everything is referred to the Holy Spirit.
"The Holy Spirit led me to pick up your phone call after the 3rd time."
"The Holy Spirit is leading me to tell you..."
"I live through the Holy Spirit."
"This is what the Holy Spirit is telling me right now."
Don't get me wrong. I don't think anything is wrong with depending and living through the Holy Spirit 100% of the time. But this is confusing. I wonder if she talks to everyone this way...
Nonetheless, I'm here to support her. I just want to experience life with her you know? I want to do anything that I can to support her. I love her.
You hear that Glorieanne? I LOVE YOU. I pursue you. I choose you.
This must be what Jesus feels like whenever we don't pay attention to Him. It really sucks having one sided conversations.