Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Sweeping changes are soon coming.

Due to some people's concerns over some things I've been writing on this thing, I have been asked to take my blog down. I have agreed on a principle level, but I won't be completely taking this down. Rather, the site will be significantly different. For the 3 of you that happen to take interest in this thing, know that it will be much altered. I have to find a way to private-ize my posts. I tried messing around with it right now but it has been more difficult than I expected.

This may seem so unexpected and so random but know that it's weird for me too. I will eventually divulge further details regarding this sudden change of direction...but I need time to pray first. Just realize the situation distills down to this:

I've always wanted to be completely transparent with my life. Other people, who are impacted by my life (and vice versa) do not share this windex transparency philosophy of mine--and that's ok. My candor has reached the point where it clearly affects other people so yeah.

Lastly, from what I can see, I'll either have to make you "invite only" if you still want to read this, or I would have to make private any post that deals specifically with "person X". I certainly don't want to do the former...after all it would require *gasp* me finding out who reads this crap.

That's all for now...I suppose.

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