Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Target Revelation

I frequent this general merchandise store called Target. On my trip there yesterday, I witnessed the most beautiful thing while in the checkout lane. I just wanted to buy a pack of my beloved Trident gum when this guy and what appeared to be his son swiftly placed ahead of me in the race to form a line behind the current customer. Then the following ensued:

Dad: "Ok can you please pick those light bulbs up and put them on the belt for me?"
Son: *proceeds to perform task and looks up at his father as soon as he finished*
Dad: "Great job! Can you pick up the other one and put it in there?"

The other item by the way, was a big box of heating pads. It was of epic proportions when compared to the size of the small 2-year old son.

Son: *attempting to lift the heavy item and puts it down* "Dad!!! I can't pick it up"
Dad: *looks son straight in the eye* "You can pick it up. You are very strong."
Son: *lifts heavy item and repeats* "Dad I can't do it! I can't do it!" *all the while he was very ably transferring the item from the cart to the belt*
Son: *amazed that he finished the task looks up at his father again*
Dad: "I told you that you were strong."

I stood amazed. It was never a question of whether or not the son was able to perform the task or not. It was all whether or not he could do what his father said he could do.

And he did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. i am touched. thank you for sharing your encouter.