Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Beginnings

I bid adieu to thee 2007. I had no idea how intense the roller coaster ride was going to be but alas I survived nonetheless. Thou has brought me extreme pain and joy and have left me equally impacted as a result. Nevertheless, I couldn't be any happier turning a new page.

By the grace of God, I hope to accomplish the following this year:

- Pray more. Specifically, I want to be more focused in praying for other people.

- Love more. That is, my desire is to view people as they truly are (and not how they appear to be).

- Give more. Money, time, ears, hugs, counsel, whatever.

- Be a remedy. I am determined to get to know one of the homeless people this semester at State.

- Cast vision. Hopefully this year I will be able to live up to the leadership roles that God has placed me in.

- Be grateful. This year I am planning on dedicating the last thursday of EVERY month focusing on what I should be grateful for. Whose idea was it to wait until November anyway?

- Read my bible more. The fact that this one is listed seventh shows why I need to work hard on this one.

- Be a better guitar player. Sasha and Peter have such untapped potential. Music is so hard.

- Start my dream of being an amateur film maker. Video has such raw power for conveying messages. I hope to use it for His glory.

- Develop rich friendships. That is, I hope to go deeper with all my current ones, take pleasure in all my new ones, and reconcile all the broken ones (ESPECIALLY them).

Happy 2008.

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