That's how Mexico was. I am convinced, without a doubt, that the most efficient (and most dramatic) way of changing one's perspective on life is to spend time out of the country. This would be true even if someone were to travel to Dubai and live life most extravagantly. True shift in focus, however, grows most foundationally when one gets to witness firsthand just how surreal things are outside of US borders. I say this even considering the fact that I didn't spend time with poor people by any means.
What's so rich about the trip is that I now have a taste of how BIG God is. It's a conclusion that's far from original. In fact, stating that God is big is pretty much stating the obvious. Yet, sseeing how big God is through a different culture is one of the most pleasurable experiences in life.
Something about the meeting kids who have no family because daddy was too busy doing crack resonated with me.
Something about the way it's evident, cross-culture, that God changes peoples lives (and the smiles that erupt in celebration afterward is truly precious).
Most simply, realizing that God is NOT an American God (and doesn't simply speak english) is profound in and of itself.
The most mind-blowing part, perhaps, is that God actively invites me to be a part of the bigger story. That is, in this mosaic of life, I have been given an open invitation to the best party in the universe; how could you NOT go?
Truly, there is NO ONE like our God.
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