Friday, May 02, 2008

Friday Afternoon Thoughts

Now that graduation is nearing, I have finally been able to do "check off" one of my goals for this year.

Graduation still isn't really a big deal for me. I don't know why but it's just not. I am happy though. I've also been slacking on the invitational side of things. I suppose I'll send an invite to all the people soon.

Looking ahead I don't really have many other "career related" goals. Frankly, I have greater aspirations simply mending relationships. Call me crazy but I'd honestly take greater delight in having restored friendship between our families than any job that I get this year. It just means more to me.

Speaking of which, I got to talk with a (literally) long, lost friend of mine yesterday. After the small talk got out of the way, we both addressed our relationship dead on.

"...I don't mean to be a jerk or anything but why did you decide to stop being friends with me out of nowhere?"

"I went through a lot... [more explaining]...but what I need right now is for you to forgive me and for us to move on from this point."

"Are you kidding me? Of course I forgive you. It's just important to me that you understand how the "stuff" from the past made us get to this point.... [more explaining]... I don't want to dwell on the past simply to rub any guilt in or anything; rather, the thing I most want to highlight is that we are at the destination of the path that was started when certain decisions were made in the past. In order for us to gain greater understanding with each other, we have to understand where the other person came from in the past."

"...I know...[more explaining]... but I'm still going through a lot of stuff from what happened. It's hard. Everyday I just try to live my life the way I believe God wants me to. But I value our friendship so much and I'm willing to go through this cause it's worth it. I just need you to forgive me and be patient with me from this point forward."

"are you kidding me? Of course I can be patient with you. I value you too much to not be patient. Our friendship is worth it."

*non-awkward silence* (I imagined they were smiling during this moment just as I was.)

This is what I value so greatly. This is restoration. This is being a remedy. The fact that even Christians screw up but the distinction is that they directly address it (instead of just sitting on the sidelines). It doesn't happen overnight, but it happens because there is mutual humility (and that leads to understanding and compassion).

This is why I'm so especially bothered by the whole Glorie situation. With all of the drama that has already happened, how wonderful would it be if people were able to say to us "you can tell that they're Christians. Even though a lot of junk has accumulated between them, look how hard they worked to address it and reconcile it."

See there's tremendous potential within the community of Christ. If we get it right, we shine, collectively, extremely bright for Jesus. But when stuff like this gets the way, it tarnishes the shine. It drives me nuts.

To be fair, I can't expect all of this stuff to go away over night. This is an extremely loaded topic for both sides. As hard as I try, I still can't identify what life has been like for any of my beloved Floridians. But neither can they-me.

But I do know that I value our family enough to address the issue even if it means crying again. And I also know that I believe our families are worth it.

Until that time, I just wait. And thankfully, right now waiting is a thrill ride.

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