I didn't really think it was that great of a movie. Plain over the edge comedy if you ask me.
Anyway, there was a scene in the movie where the duo end up going to a brothel. Although I was supposed to be amused by the sex humor, it actually got my mind going in a different direction.
I wonder if Jesus would go to a brothel?
I don't mean that in a cynical, sacrilegious kind of way. But, honestly, would Jesus go to a place like that? The bible tells of countless stories of all the people He hung around with that were looked down upon by society, but seriously would He? He befriended prostitutes, but did He ever go to their work place?
What really started getting my mind going was considering what the reaction would be like if I entered a place like that. Imagine the scandal!
But seriously, if Jesus would very much enter a brothel simply to show those women that there's a better life to be lived, why can't current christians? Why would there be so much backlash if they did so?
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