Thursday, December 04, 2008

Twilight Thinking

It's the end of the night.

I've had plenty of conversations today. From clients scattered throughout the day to buzzed coworkers at our holiday party. There's been much absorbed. But it's the one that keeps me up.

Although I feel like writing every single thing that comes to mind right now, I don't think that that would be an appropriate course of action. I simply haven't given any of it enough thought and prayerful consideration.

Nevertheless, there has been one resounding message that keeps reverberating over and over.

The inevitable will happen when someone will wrong you. Before one can even consider approaching the wrongdoer, it is appropriate to first consider any faults that the "victim" first has themselves. Although this is a biblical principle (Matthew 7), it would be wise to learn this even if one is not of the Faith. Is correction not better received in love than in condemnation?

The only way a heart is won over is through unconditional love.

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