Thursday, April 02, 2009

my day

- tried to rick roll a lot of people. (Failure)

- wanted to send glorie an email/text/call (failure..but that's good?)

- had client cancel 3 policies on me (epic failure)

- got called names cold calling (failureish)

- didn't die cause of allergies today (win!)

- focused on Christ when it was hard (win win!)

- overstayed my welcome at a friend's house (fail)

Overall I guess I'm still holding up. Trying to keep my chin up you know? Sometimes I wish I could just come to someone (i.e. a gf) to just say what's on my mind and them just accept me and embrace me. That was the best.

But I guess for now I'll just depend on other things. Like God.

What a thought.

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