Saturday, November 07, 2009

the ripple effect

It has been quite some time.

Most of the reason is because I haven't quite been "in the mood" to journal and such. The dissenting minority rationale is because I've been so scared of what would come out that I had no balls to proceed. There have been times where I have sat down, in this trusty ol' chair of mine, to chronicle what has been happening in my life, but I would always stop prematurely. I guess a lot of it comes with the fact that it's pretty difficult to break down everything that's been going on lately.

Work wise, I was dealt a pretty big blow this week when OB10 called me back. I was one of two finalists whom they were considering for one of their positions but I was the runner up. I put my best foot forward, but my interest kinda waned toward the end because it became evident that the position would be more and more sales based the more I found out about it. So, I suppose it'll be starbucks for even LONGER than I originally anticipated. No big deal though. I could have no job at all or working as an elephant cage cleaner at Disney. Selah!

Spritually, I've been very turbulent. I'm not praying as hard or as much as I used to. Nor am I half as consistent with digging in the Word. I've become very lazy with these disciplines and it's truly perplexing why I don't take steps to remedy the situation. I still have those transient conversation prayers with God all the time though. All throughout the day I'll think about Him and just think of whether or not He truly is aware of my life. I think this is probably concerning since it's likely that it's evidence of lack of faith. Oh snapz ):

Tennis wise, I lost my first match this week. Epic failure. /end

Relationship wise, I'm a hot mess. I was able to meet up with Emily this week. It was interesting as this has been the first time we've seen each other ever since she decided to pull that drama act in the summer. We were able to express things in transparency but it still feels unsettled. I think it's because I feel like her apology is fake. But then again, as I was thinking about it, I don't really know how one is supposed to deem an apology acceptable or unacceptable. I think that as Christians, our role is unequivocally to demonstrate the same grace that has been shown to us. And I find that hard...because there's still such a significant portion of me that wants to punch her in the face for her stupidity. But Jesus never punched me in the face for my there goes my logic -_-

Kristy wise, I'm pretty unsettled. I feel so betrayed. So lied to. So disgusted as to how she can be this way. I feel like our friendship has been cheapened and she doesn't care at all. And somehow I know that she will find a way to rationalize things so that everything she did will be justified and I am the one who ends up foolish. But what am I supposed to do as a result of that?

That is, when you keep showing a person grace and they keep running all over you, what is the appropriate response?

A lot of people say I'm wasting my time showing compassion toward her, but I don't feel like that's the case. I think that ruthless grace is such a difficult thing to find. It's not my role to be her everything, but I think one of the best ways I can show up big is to demonstrate first hand what unconditional really looks like. She doesn't have anything close to an example besides me.

But, the problem is, this altruistic virtue is coming wildly at the expense of my own personal well being. Many of my wise council are quick to point that you must be selfish to be selfless. Even Jesus was this way. He wouldn't dare go and do any of His ministry or His discipling unless He Himself had spent time alone (either early morning or late evening) with God the Father. But what does taking care of myself look like in this situation?

I wish I had a fred in my life right now. A quirky person who would randomly call me just to encourage me and let me know that I am absolutely treasured. Theoretically that's Jesus all of the time, but sometimes it'd be nice to not have to dig so deep for once.

I just need a nudge.
a hint.
a whisper.
a text.
a voicemail.
a FB wall post.

some sort of assurance that it's ok to still be hurting for what Kristy did to me. That grace is painful. That I'm not crazy after all.

Cause it really sucks being different all the time.

God, if You're out there, I could sure use a hug right now. I feel like every time I "do the right thing" and act in a way that's obedient to You, I end up broken. And I feel like You don't do anything about it. Whereas a lot of the people who halfway pursue You (if at all) enjoy Your blessings all the same.

...but who am I to question You, Lord? What authority do I have to be suspicious of Your sovereignty? I'm so small. I just wish You'd make Yourself more obvious to me.

I'm having a really hard time following You.


kat kat said...

i can't be a "fred" for you but i'll be kat kat for you. =)

Anonymous said...

yeah, people have experienced that all over the world. but i can tell you that you are wanting to show grace to Kristy, but remember sometimes we have to do other things as well. With Kristy, you have to know how her character is, if you know that she will just step all over you, then really you must shut the door on her, Ex. Say there is a wife and its the "boys day out" so she lets the husband go with trustworthy friends but she also tells him that he must be home at a certain time. lets just say by 10:00 pm. If the husband decides to show up at 10:15. , then the wife has the right to shut the door on him, and the husband responds by saying,"Why are you locking me out of our home,I dont think you love me?. The wife says" I do love you but you didnt listen to me when i said to be home by 10:00, so sleep in your car. In this case, the woman is correct, the husband has to know that he cant be taking advantage of that. So in your case, show her the love of Christ,and if necessary shut the door, cuz even our Father God does that if you didnt know. Don't Worry, this hurt that you are experiencing iz only seasonal(temporary). If you forgave her, that iz ok if her apology was fake, as long as your forgiving her was real, remember its not for her sake, its really for you. So God is listening to you and wants to help you out in this life. Do it in an orderly manner though, God Bless