Saturday, December 04, 2010

Friday Night Thoughts

There is a reason why "don't judge a book by its cover" has been echoed for generations.

The logic is simple; you never know the entirety of anything if you only read into surface level qualities of said noun. This is true with literature because a truly enchanting story could legitimately be waiting behind one of the most hideous covers created. The saying also applies to food (i.e. gumbo). Et cetera.

Even though everyone knows this applies to people as well, it seems to be easily forgotten when people form their first impressions of people they don't know. I am guilty of this as well especially when it comes to people who wear specific types of clothes (because seriously...when's the last time you saw a 'gangsta' guy wear Hollister?).

Recently this issue has been pressed to my face. Further, the question has unraveled to "do I even have to read the book just because the cover is interesting?"

Life is weird and so are women.

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