Monday, September 07, 2009

a moment in contemplation

I'm finding it easier and easier to understand and appreciate the supreme amount of faithfulness God has in us.

I do not understand what makes us act the way that we do. This whole conundrum of giving a person the autonomy to do whatever pleases them certainly encompasses the fact that they could genuinely hurt you as well as give you joy. However, I realize now that were it not for this, there would be no joy to be had when the person chooses you if it were a forced decision altogether.

This alone is a great testament for those who are married (and happily married at that) for generation upon generation.

All this is to say that relationships take work. And, it's awful when one person wants the relationship to work and the other doesn't.

1 comment:

Brownskyn said...

what do you mean when you say "the faithfulness God has in us?"