Friday, October 06, 2006

My Encounter

So I finally talked with the pretty girl in my finance class this morning. As I actually had time to sit down with her, and see her closely, I realized how exotic her look is. I believe she's mixed with American and some sort of Asian. She has light freckles and light eyes. It's a really interesting look.

Anywho, she is a very nice person. I tend to downplay what I'm capable of (i.e. say outloud how dumb I am yet I am really of barely average intelligence). Then she, although barely knowing me, encouraged me to shut it. Obviously any person would have done the same, but she did it in such a sincere way.

The guy whom she is engaged to is a very fortunate fellow. He has quite a steal. Then again...I have my own steal. And after talking with mystery finance hottie for about 20 minutes I still think I got the better bargain. d(^_^)b

Oh and glorie, if you ever find this and read this, what I just said does NOT mean you are comparable to an amount of money. You're worth more than that.

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