Sunday, May 27, 2007


I'm reading a book right now that I've found to be quite pleasant. It's called "Velvet Elvis" written by a guy named Rob Bell. I'm a little bit more than half way through the book and am quite excited to finish it.

Anyway, there's a part in the book that really resonated with my soul. Here it is from Chapter Three in the book:

"Being a Christian is not cutting yourself off from real life; it is entering into it more fully. It is not failing to go deeper; it is going deeper than ever. It is a journey into the heart of how things really are. What is it that makes you feel alive? What is it that makes your soul soar?"

I love the way that he puts it. It's so eloquent and extremely profound. It's not that your being less of a person when you become a Christian, it's that you are delving into it more fully. What a concept.

Personally, I've chosen to follow Jesus because I've experienced this "fuller" living firsthand. It's not that I enter into this dramatical blissful life as soon as I enter a personal relationship with Jesus (in fact my life has become a lot harder since following Jesus), rather it's feeling empty holes being filled with something truly satisfying that has made the greatest impact to me.

Andy Stanley compares it to a renovation. So, imagine extreme makeover--Fred edition. I like the word renovate. I looked it up in the dictionary. Apparently it stems from Latin (renovat) and it originally meant "made new again." The analogy applies to me because my "before" life was quite stupid. After the extremely messy process of renovation (and mind you I'm still heavily under construction), the "after" is what you see right now.

I think we have the superior Fred Godoy right now.

I don't know...I can't articulate myself easily right now. Hopefully I'll continue this with a focused mind tomorrow.

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