Monday, April 27, 2009


C.S. Lewis has a quote that is pretty awesome.

"If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, also we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world." I love it. In this context (Mere Christianity), CS is alluding to the fact that it's likely that our time here on earth is but a mere whisper; and we would be wise to maintain proper perspective concerning such things. In other words, that there are greater things yet to come and that this world, as great as it may seem sometimes, is not really our home.

Lately, I couldn't agree any more.

I've been in a great little stretch where I've been such a screw up and failing people. Others, whom I once considered so dear, are now something far different in my life. Then there's the infinite gray in between. I wish I could fix everything but I have no control over anything. If I wanted to speak Christianese, this is where I would say "Good thing I have a God who doesn't change." and all this other blah blah. And, while I agree that that statement is 100% relevant and 100% true, it doesn't always mean that I will apply that truth as such.

I guess lately I've just been searching for a friend. A fred godoy for fred godoy. But I guess I'll just have to wait.

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