Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Night Thoughts

Today I had the responsibility for filming 4 different church services.

It's been quite the ride. My day started at 6 AM and was still continuing past 6 PM--at a church. I didn't feel overly creative with any of my shots; I just kind of did what seemed natural. One thing happened today that I really can't stop thinking about. It was from Andy of course but he just kind of spoke spontaneously this morning and it so thoroughly piqued my interest.

Anyway, here it is:

Think about the person you love most. Anyone in the world you love more than anything/anyone else. Think about how much you love them.
Is it possible that God loves you more than you love your most treasured person? Is it possible for God to be capable of loving even more than us?
What would our life look like if we really believed that answer was yes?


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