Tuesday, February 09, 2010

tuesday tirade


Started the day getting estimates for my car. Giving grace can be quite a bother at times no? Turns out the lady did over $1000 of damage to my car! Talk about oh snaps! And fittingly Honda gave a CHEAPER estimate than the third party body shop ($11xx vs $14xx). The plan is to meet with the lady tomorrow at 3:30. I'm finishing tomorrow with a check or a newly stated claim. Either way progress gets made tomorrow.

Ended up breakfasting with the Kat Kat. Apparently she needed a reminder of my disturbingly large appetite (my diminutive stature is deceiving). We had splendid conversations as normal and the chic-fil-a was absolutely a treat.

After that was over, I traversed through the rain to Casey and Bernadette's house to see the new baby. She looks healthy enough and slept the whole time. Yay! I got into some pretty deep conversations with Bernadette and started discussing (literally) everything. It was refreshing to be around people who care today.

One thing that was weird was Bernadette asked me what makes me happy. I'm still not completely sure how to answer that question. I think right now knowing that I can give something to someone and it light their face up makes me quite joyful. That and starting to see the fruits of all this hard work I've been putting in make me happy. The more I thought about it though...the more I discovered that real contentment cannot be bought. It must be derived from somewhere. And I think I can say that mine truly comes from God. Not in a "holier than thou" kind of way. But knowing that no matter how screwed up I am there's someone who has yet to give up on me and still loves me more than ever...it's kind of unreal. But it is. Wow.

Ended the night kind of jaded with Christianity. All of my family came over for a planned prayer meeting for my cousin Digi. I played guitar with my aunt and it felt so good just to have the whole family singing. Then it just got awkward.

Tito Tito was asked to speak at the thing tonight and used a lot more time than everyone expected. I'm all for trying to "witness" and tell people about God, but is it appropriate to do so at an event where it's likely that the majority of people may not share the same faith as you? While the accuracy of everything he was talking about was 100% correct, by the time the 40 minute talking was over, everyone was exhausted. It may just be me, but I think there's equally great danger to push people away from God when you talk them to death than there is in "saving" them. Not to mention the marathon prayers that follow thereafter.

The night was supposed to focus on Digiana and her upcoming brain surgery. Yes...God is in control, but I guess I just don't see how relevant it would be to tell people how material things are meaningless when people are crying over the possibility of thursday.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Hey! I didn't know you played the guitar. I started a few weeks ago. My fingers have suffered miserably, but it's well worth the pain. How long did it take before you started playing comfortably? I'm learning the basic chords right now, but I know I'll get better with practice.