Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thoughtful Thursday

Lisa, my dear friend who expressed the common sentiment of "I love Leviticus", recently shared something profound with me. I was sharing with her how rich I'm finding the Old Testament to be and just how much I'm learning about God through mundane things like the law. To this she responded with the following:

"The wonderful thing about the bible is this: when you read the new testament, you really start to fall in love with Jesus. When you read the old testament, you really start to fall in love with God the Father."

I would agree. However, there is but one phrase that should be used as an addendum to what she said.

When you read the New Testament, you really start to fall in love and cherish Jesus.
When you read the Old Testament, you really start to fall in love and cherish God the Father.
When you simply go through Life, you really start to fall in love and cherish the Holy Spirit.

Amen? Amen.

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