Thursday, November 27, 2008

Exhort I say!

Not much time now but I should revisit this at some point tonight.

But, I have but one big thing on my mind.

Lord, who have I but You?
I don't know how You're going to get glory out of this, but I know You will.
Because that's the God that I serve.

I humbly accept that I can't out intellectualize you my Father.
I understand that things aren't going to go my way all the time.

Yet, if You could just let me know that You're here, it would make all the difference in the world.
Help me see the things with which I should be grateful for.
Even if my near-sightedness causes me to focus on the temporary things of this life.

Because emotions are fickle.
And You are everlasting.

In You, my God and my friend, do I find my peace.

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