Friday, October 17, 2008


- I rocked my presentation today. Well not really. I'd say I got a rock solid B. But it's profound enough to say that I was aiming for the A all the way.

- I take my LAS test in 3.5 hours. The last time I took the practice test I failed. If I don't pass this I can't go very far in this job.

- James 1:22 "do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves--do what it says"

- I don't do what the word says.

- I wish I could just push some button that would make it better between Glorie and I.

- Plenty of other background noise in my life that are meaningful but not eternal.

Above everything that's going on in my life, I'm discovering this baseline peace. It's not some zen meditative state that I suddenly arrive at. Rather, it's just a completely transformed thought process that above it all I'll be ok.

In other words, even if I failed my test tomorrow, even if things don't work out between Glorie and me, even if I fail at my new job, even if I screw up and sin some more, it won't have any bearing on my eternal identity of being a child of God. That's an incredibly powerful place to be once your mind wraps around it.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I just wanted to stop by and thank you for coming by my site and commenting. It's always a good thing to get a new commenter.

God Bless!